A good sale and a good story.

I recently went along to the much anticipated Spring plant sale at the Botanic Gardens in Aberdeen.  I love the chance of buying unknown, maybe special plants and hopefullly seeing them grow and flower in my garden.

The weather was kind to us and the queues started about half an hour before the door (or actually park bench) opened. By ten thirty the queue was stretching far down the path.  As I was standing in the queue, some people may have wondered why I had my finger in my ear for part of the time. No, I wasn’t taking up traditional folk singing –  I was trying not to hear the end of a story!  Sorry, but you really can’t help overhearing private conversations when you are next to people in a queue. It was a really interesting conversation between two lovely ladies, discussing films they had seen.  They started to talk about “Force Majeure” which the first lady had seen but the second hadn’t. It was described in such beautiful detail including a review of the underlying themes that I really wanted to see that film. Imagine my horror when the second lady, caught up in the moment, asked what happened in the end.

IN THE END??? NO O O O O !!!!

Before the digit had been planted in the aforementioned lughole, I heard that there were really two separate endings. That sounded even more interesting.  Then the rest was a blur as I attempted to wiggle finger and hum gently to myself so I couldn’t hear anything more.  Just when I thought it was safe to remove my finger I heard the words “And that brings us on to the real ending. . . .”

Thankfully I managed not to hear any more and shortly after that we were allowed in.  I am really looking forward to seeing this film now and I would like to thank my unsuspecting companions for helping me pass the time while waiting. Please also accept my heartfelt apologies for eavesdropping on your conversation.

The plant sale was great.  I only took two plastic bags as I really don’t have much spare room, but I left with them stuffed full of plants, many of which only cost me one pound.

I ended up with the following plants

  • 2 small white Saxifrage arendsii ‘Touran White’
  • 1 small Campanula pusilla  – looking forward to this one in the rockery.
  • 1 larger Campanula – unnamed, but I am assured it isn’t the invasive one I had once.
  • 1 reasonable sized Dierama (Angel’s Fishing Rods) which I have been after for several years. I believe it could take a few years before it flowers though.
  • I large Francoa sonchifolia. I am excited about this one as I haven’t seen it before.
  • I good sized clump of tall,yellow Primula floribunda
  • I small Primula veris

Now I just have to get them all planted.



9 thoughts on “A good sale and a good story.

  1. Pingback: The Cruickshank Botanic Gardens in Spring | My Aberdeen Garden

  2. Haha, nice post 🙂
    I read your other post first and was wondering what you brought home. The diorama is something I wish I could try but apparently it dislikes our summers…. as well as our winters!

    • I guess I published them in the wrong order! The dierama isn’t settling in too well at the moment, but we have been away and it probably got too dry. I hope it recovers.

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